1. Undiscovered Treasures
  2. Resource Distribution
  3. Multi-Industry Q&A

  1. Free Resources
  2. Workshops


Decolonised Networking Community Interest Company
is here to create space, provide digital resources, opportunites,
events and connections between the younger generation
and the ones who came before them.


Storytelling using image and filming workshop

We are looking for 4 young people interested in:
  • Storytelling, film-making, photography, anthropology,
    archiving and cultural arts
  • Learn storytelling through image by industry level professionals/artists
  • Committed to contributing ideas in a safe, supportive and collaborative space to empower and develop social skills
  • Opportunity to have your voice, ideas and thoughts implemented in a creative setting with experienced writers and filmmakers
  • Leading and conducting Interviews with the general public  (vox pop style)
  • Contributing to the final design of a mural in Peckham Rye Lane
  • Joint ownership for the final product (film): you can keep this for your CV/website/future references
  • Credited in the short film and mural
  • Being part of an archival snapshot of Peckham!

    Dates: Saturday 1st of February and Sunday 2nd of February 

For more information, email us or send us a dm
